BJJ as a Family Sport

One of the unique aspects of Brazilian jiu jitsu is that you and your whole family can train together on the same team. Most BJJ gyms have classes for all age groups and skill levels, beginning with young kids, and many gyms also offer a family discount. Training with your family or significant other is a meaningful way to spend quality time together while taking advantage of the many benefits that a martial arts practice can offer, such as improved mental and physical wellness, becoming part of a bigger community, and developing real-world self-defense skills.

BJJ is also unique in that many hobbyist students begin training as adults. A large proportion of adult students have no previous martial arts experience, and, in some cases, little or no sports experience at all. Because anyone at almost any age can begin a practice, jiu jitsu is a great choice for families or couples looking to begin an activity together. Some people begin jiu jitsu after enrolling their children in a jiu jitsu program or seeing their partner training. Seeing parents or other family members on the mats is a very motivating experience that can help people stay committed to their BJJ training. Training together also allows people to experience firsthand the mentally and physically demanding nature of the sport, thereby helping them be a more supportive and understanding part of their family’s jiu jitsu journey.

Even if you’re not interested in training yourself, jiu jitsu is a convenient activity choice for those with multiple children. Your children can participate on the same team, often in the same class with each other (depending on the structure of your gym’s program). This gives siblings who are a few years apart in age and would normally be on different teams the opportunity to train together. And unlike many other sports or activities, BJJ has no season; classes are offered year-round, and most gyms offer classes at least six days per week. This allows families to create a weekly training routine that accommodates busy schedules and other activities.

Perhaps the best part of jiu jitsu is that you’ll never stop learning. It takes years of dedicated practice to become a skilled grappler, and, as the sport is ever evolving, there will always be more to know. Whether you’re looking for a convenient activity for your family, or something new to do with your significant other, starting a jiu jitsu practice together can be a source of shared learning and improved wellness for decades.

-OGA Staff

Oregon Grappling Arts offers adult and kids’ BJJ classes for the entire family six days a week in Portland, OR. If you or your child is interested in checking out Brazilian jiu jitsu, feel free to reach out to us. All prospective students receive a three-day free trial.

You can read more about our adult jiu jitsu classes here.

You can read more about our youth jiu jitsu classes here.

You can learn more about coach Hannah Sharp here and coach Eddie Jamrog here.

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Coach Hannah Sharp no gi BJJ competition match from Sub Spectrum 7 135-lb. Women’s Pro Tournament


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